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    Ink Temperature Stabiliser with temperature sensor and without pneumatic valve (VIC1-1-1111-A-030)


    Valflow® VIC11 - Ink Temperature Stabiliser (ITS) - efficient heat exchanger, 3/4" hose adapter at water inlet and outlet, 3/4" hose adapter at ink inlet and outlet with temperature sensor of 3 meter cable.

    SKU: VIC1-1-1111-A-030

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    Delivery Period: 3-5 days


    It is a shell and tube- type heat exchanger where the ink flows through the inner spiral tube of the heat exchanger to the print tray. The chilled water flows in the outer side of the tube and inside the shell, thereby cooling the ink. This ensures that ink temperature is maintained constant at set value.


    Ideal for:

    • Rotogravure printing
    • Flexographic printing
    Products specifications
    Tank capacity 25 litres
    "B" length 240 mm


    It is a shell and tube- type heat exchanger where the ink flows through the inner spiral tube of the heat exchanger to the print tray. The chilled water flows in the outer side of the tube and inside the shell, thereby cooling the ink. This ensures that ink temperature is maintained constant at set value.


    Ideal for:

    • Rotogravure printing
    • Flexographic printing
    Products specifications
    Tank capacity 25 litres
    "B" length 240 mm